The Thames Skills Academy (TSA) is a Group Training Association (GTA) - a learning and skills partnership where employers subscribe to sector-specific on and off-the-job training in order to provide efficient, expertly-delivered skills and outcomes that meet employers’ specific needs across a particular section of industry.
In addition we aim to provide a 'one stop shop' where you can find information on training initiatives, regulations, statutory/mandatory requirements.
This report explores the roles played by Group Training Associations (GTAs) in the delivery of apprenticeship training and adult workforce development. It considers the different models upon which GTAs are based, how they operate, the nature of their activities, the scale and quality of training undertaken and their effectiveness in meeting employers’ training requirements.
GTAs were developed in response to the Industrial Training Act (1964). Legislation established industry training boards supported by a levy raised from employers. The levy amounted to 0.9 per cent of each employer’s gross payroll, three-quarters of which could be reclaimed by those that trained. The response of many employers, large or small but equally lacking in training skills and senior operative staff who readily could be released to become trainers, was to set up training co-operatives. These group training associations were both registered charities and companies limited by guarantee, their trustee/directors being drawn from member companies. Most GTAs built a training centre equipped to industry standards, which provided off-the-job training for a substantial initial period early in an apprenticeship, ensuring that able young people starting work in potentially hazardous occupations could learn basic manual skills, the disciplines of work and safe working practices before entering the workplace. Having started work in earnest, on-the-job training continued to be supervised and assessed by specialist staff from the GTA.
The Commission was established by GTA England with the support of the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and conducted its independent inquiry between January and April 2012. The Inquiry was hosted by the ESRC-funded Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES) at the Institute of Education, University of London