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Skills gaps are one of the great challenges facing employers on the tidal Thames. The TSA works closely with, and supports employers, in the design and delivery of marine-based training programmes that, not only address the gaps but also raise standards and provide a highly skilled and competent workforce.

We offer high quality, cost-effective, structured training programmes for Inland Waterway competencies and monitor the training and delivery standards of our Endorsed Training Providers.

TSA featured training courses

The TSA featured training courses cover a broad range of skills for working afloat or ashore, including:

Find out more about the TSA featured training courses. 

Heath & Safety ashore 

The TSA has curated a list of ashore Health and Safety courses including:

Find out more on the Health & Safety ashore page. 


TSA works to raise the profile of the industry and of apprenticeships and promotes and supports two level 3 apprenticeship schemes: 

The TSA supports both employers and apprentices throughout. We do this by working with employers to develop the apprenticeships, by helping to attract suitable apprentices and working closely with the training providers to ensure the apprenticeships are well managed and meet the needs of employers and apprentices.  

Find out more on our Apprenticeship page. 


Developing Standards & Competencies

We are actively engaged and involved in reviewing current Inland Waterways qualifications and standards and developing new qualifications that employers need to take their businesses forward and maintain and improve safety and customer service. We work closely with industry specialists and Government partners to achieve this, including:

To find out more about our training courses or our work with industry specialists and government partners please contact us via email or call 07756 651 171.


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