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At the TSA we promote and support two level 3 apprenticeship schemes. The first is the Boatmaster Apprenticeship delivered by SeaRegs and the Marine Society and the second is the Maritime Engineering Apprenticeship delivered by South Essex College

The Boatmaster Apprenticeship 

TSA, working with inland waterways employers, developed the Boatmaster Apprenticeship standard which was approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships in November 2019. 

The Boatmaster Apprenticeships is delivered by SeaRegs and the Marine Society, whom the TSA works closely with. 

This Government-funded apprenticeship, which has a value of £24,000 per person, is open to all employers who work on the river. The two-year apprenticeship covers the curriculum set out in the BML syllabus and the Inland Waterways diploma, as well as additional skills including leadership requested by employers. 

For more information about the Boatmaster Apprenticeships
All you need to know about the Boatmaster Apprenticeship - overview by Institute for Apprenticeship
Boatmaster apprenticeship syllabus 

The Maritime Engineering Apprenticeship 

The TSA has been working with South Essex College to meet the needs of river employers for Maritime engineers, a resource otherwise outsourced to external sub-contracted engineers who are generally in high demand. This is the first time such a bespoke course has been provided on the Thames for decades.

This Level 3 four-year, one day a week apprenticeship, worth £26,000 per person, provides very practical engineering skills, with specialist skills chosen in years 3 and 4 as a mechanical fitter, electrical fitter or maritime fabricator. 

End Point Assessment is an independent assessment of behaviours, knowledge, skills and generic engineering competencies for an Engineering Technician requirement as defined by the UK-SPEC, regulated by the Engineering Council. Completion of the Apprenticeship is designed to be recognised by relevant Professional Engineering Institutions at the appropriate level of professional registration (EngTech).

For more information about the Maritime Engineering Apprenticeships:
All you need to know about the Marine Engineer Apprenticeship - overview by Institute for Apprenticeship
Maritime engineer qualification 
Detailed information on Maritime Engineering apprenticeship syllabus 
Introduction to Maritime Engineering Apprenticeship from the TSA
Information about Maritime Engineering Apprenticeships 
Frequently asked questions about Maritime Engineering Apprenticeships 

To find out more, please call 07756 651 171 (9am–5pm)

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